It feels like we're finally getting into the swing of things and some dreams are becoming realities! This weekend I had alot of time just to think and keep processing life. As I've mentioned before, I like to spend time thinking about the future and the possibilities that will arise, but I keep forgetting about the here and the now. This weekend I felt like I was hit over the head with a realization, motivation to live for the here and the now, and a renewed hope in some of my dreams.
Again, I know I've mentioned it before but now I feel like I have a very clear direction as to what
I'm supposed to be doing. I have to take things step by step. I mean,
week by week with a few big picture things in mind. Aaron and I sat at Caribou yesterday and talked, dreamed, studied, and just had an incredible quality afternoon together.
And, the decision....this week I'm going to just look into what it would take to go back to school part time. Living in the here and the now, we started thinking "Why not?" I guess we're just dreaming and putting feelers out there to see if it goes anywhere. If not, I won't be crushed but I feel like I have a renewed hope that I need to be actively pursuing the here and the now and take advantage of every opportunity.

I also feel a motivation to just LIVE life. I haven't had this for soooooo long and instead I've just been just thinking about all the things I don't have. We need to just LIVE this life that God has given to us and embrace all things. Again, I KNEW these things before but knowing and doing are two different things.
So, this week we're putting out feelers and seeing if God will open up any doors....walking by faith and LIVING each day. And that's why I named this post "A Perfectly Wonderful Sunday Afternoon" :) It was wonderful :)