Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4 Months

(Photo courtesy of Lindsay Kinnick)
Life flies by with a baby. There is no way this guy is already 4 months old but as I watch him roll over, play with toys, kick around like he's going to start crawling, and use his voice in varying pitches, I realize that he is indeed growing up.

In case you were wondering, Tristen is now a whoppin' 15 pounds and 25 1/4 inches long. The clothes sizes are super confusing these days because he's in everything from 3 month pants to 6-9 month sleepers (he's just so stinkin' long!)! It's interesting to see what combination of sizes he's wearing on any given day :)

So, that's the little man :) Happy Tuesday to you all!


Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

OH MY WORD! Why isn't he on a gerber commercial or something?!?! He's so beautiful!

Michelle said...

Oh what a little sweetheart! I love that picture! Time really does fly, so glad you're enjoying every second!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness, Erika, what perfect looking little guy! You should seriously enter this into a baby photo competition! Miss you guys, we need to hang out soon!