Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tristen's Faces

Oh, Tristen. You seriously make me laugh so hard these days. Your funny faces, uncontrollable laugh, and constant adventuresome spirit is so hard not to watch and smile about all day. Today it felt like Tristen grew developmentally even though he's probably been growing right under my nose for the last month. Pretend playing with pots and spoons, trying to drum while music is playing, and getting the word "Dog" down even's like he knows that he's turning one soon and needs to show the world. Even though we're still waiting for the walking stage to start (which, I really am okay with since I've been sick with Baby #2...maybe when I'm in the 2nd trimester I'll be ready to RUN after him! Ha!), in other ways, he acts like a one-year old. I thought I would be sad but I'm the very opposite....I LOVE it. Last week was a bad week but I have a feeling this week is going to be extra special :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I loved the time right after Keagan turned one. I have such fond memories of months 12-16. They grow and change so much and it's so fun to watch them learn independence. :)