Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spare Time!?! What Spare Time!?!

Tonight I was asked (in front of a group of high schoolers) what I do in my spare time. Not wanting to take a long time to answer, my mind quickly whizzed through everything I do in a day: Play with trains, feed a baby, make baby food, take pictures of my children, take my dog outside, bring my dog inside, attempt to get ready in 30 minutes flat, and occasionally sneak in a TV episode on Netflix with the hubby.

So, what was my answer?!

Well, I tried to remember the things I USED to do that were cool. So, without thinking I said,
"Play guitar?!" I followed it up with "Play piano..and sing?!"

HA! I mean, don't get me wrong....I have a guitar. I used to "play" the guitar (meaning, I know like 6-7 chords and was an aspiring beginner guitar player a few years back) but I haven't picked up my guitar since this summer when I used it to show Tristen how to strum it. I have a piano...and plunk out songs that are soon interrupted by bangs by both Tristen and Aubrey. And, I my car.

And it was in that moment that I realized HOW much has changed since the last time I worked with a youth group. I became a mother and in essence, I grew up. Times have changed but this one thing hasn't:

I still love working with youth.
Funny because I was JUST praying for an opportunity to minister in our church. Feeling a tad bit burned out in the whole children department, I didn't really feel like volunteering in the nursery was the right fit. Every week I would watch my husband head off to youth group and be just a tad bit sad that I couldn't be joining him. And then, out of the blue, they needed a female youth leader. When I was asked to consider it, I didn't have to think long because I knew what the answer was. Wednesdays will be just a tad bit busier from now on but I can't wait to see what this semester will bring. *sigh* And on that note, I'm totally going to bed....because, frankly, THAT'S what I do in my spare time :)

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