Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Love This!!

So, I STILL haven't quite gotten into the world of Pinterest. I mean, I get has a whole lot of ideas that you can easily pin to your pinboard but I get information overload every time I visit pinterest. My head starts to spin, I start to think of all the time a project would take me and I end up visiting this site instead. So, today when I tried ever so hard to get into pinterest yet again, I found this adorable idea instead through!! Love love LOVE!!! Every little boy needs a mud-run birthday party! Maybe I'll need to celebrate Tristen's half-birthday once in a while so we can do this!! Or, have a mud-run in the middle of winter?? Definitely! Even more "manly" :) Ha!

Our backyard is a lake right now! We didn't quite get the "4-6 inches of snow, huge winter storm!" that so many kept telling us we would get. Instead we got rain and plenty of it. Yuck! Please come, spring....I'm okay that we didn't get any snow this year but this freezing rain stuff is just plain terrible!!
Our yard! So sad!!

Aaron has spring break next week (yay!!) and I have been absolutely exhausted lately. Going to bed around 9-9:30 and taking a nap when Tristen takes his afternoon nap...this baby is taking every ounce of energy that I once had! It's going to be a long 17 weeks at the rate we're going but I'm not complaining.....every babe is a blessing.

Aaron's first clinical of this semester is done! On to Minneapolis!

Tristen is hilarious as always. He discovered how to make a whistling noise last week so we often hear whistling while he plays now. Too funny! He also LOVES trucks these days and makes a "Varoom" sound as he pushes it! He's all boy :) 3 molars are breaking through this WONDER he's been crying out in pain for no particular reason lately!

I'm trying to get his baby book done before Baby Girl gets here....I had a cheap, not-much-information one and decided after looking at my own baby book over Christmas to order a really nice, loaded-with-information book for him. Now is the process of going back and trying to remember! Thankfully I put some things on the blog so this has been my memory for the time being! Now I know with Baby Girl to stay on top of writing things down because you really do forget!

There's our "weekly" update (I guess it's been longer than a week!) Happy Leap Day!

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