Ahh, this has been a FUN weekend!! My heart is happy :)
First, Tristen's first official haircut by my friend, Kelly!
He was alright as long as he had a cracker in his hand!!
Then, Friday night came...Aaron and a college friend decided to experiment with food. Finding a sweet and sour chicken recipe on Pinterest (I'm totally caving since my last post....I'm finding really great recipes and photo ideas on Pinterest!) they spent the evening cooking up a storm. It.was.SO.good. Aaron and I decided it would be fun to cook a new interesting recipe every other week for a date night....we'll see how it goes but if this is the start, it will be fun and DELISH!
Then, last night was a BLAST! My old RA staff from 2005-2006 had a reunion. It felt like not a day had gone by but we had quite a bit of catching up to do (6 years really DOES change a lot!!) Love all these people and it was SO great to see them again :)
We even had a cake with our name on it....great addition!
So, I didn't want to lug around my big camera so I opted for my small one and the pics turned out so dark...sad day! But, on the bottom is a pic from 6 years ago of all of us!!

Love it!! Great weekend!!
I'm off to take a nap....last minute Nursery duty this morning just about killed me since I couldn't sleep last night and was up at 5:00 when Aaron left. I wish I could say "No" more often but goodness, they were in a jam.....but now, off to get much needed rest!!
You know Lindsey Yang?! What a small world! She didn't go to NWC, did she? I feel like she went to Bethel....anyway, I worked with her in...06-07.
Crazy! I think she went to Bethel but she married Tom Yang who I was an RA with....so I only know her through Tom :) Small world!
Fun! Their son's name is Levi too! :) Totally random - another girl that I worked with at the same place has a son named Keagan too. Lol! Really is a small world!
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