Saturday, March 31, 2012


If you've read this blog since we've moved to Mankato, you know that we've had a few setbacks along the way. Everything from the original program that Aaron was pursuing (the accelerated nursing program) being cut (he would have been done by now!), to budget cuts and only 24 applicants getting into the Nursing program, to jobs that have fallen through, to many other things....It has felt like a waiting game for the last 2+ years. Looking ahead to the future, we have started to see the light at the end of the tunnel....knowing that a setback might also happen.

But, this time, it's different.

Aaron is graduating earlier than expected!!!

As long as the information is correct, Aaron will get done 4 months earlier than scheduled! The light is glowing brighter these days as we start to think about the future of "What's Next". Sure, we have some waiting still, but by next summer, we will be transitioning once again. Obviously we don't have a clue where we will end up but we are SO excited to get a start on it next summer and be done with school August 2013 instead of December 2013. We know it will be a busy year with year-round schooling (from August 2012-August 2013) but to us, getting done early is so worth it!

Even though there are setbacks in life, sometimes you get that unexpected fast forward that makes the setbacks all worth it. :) Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :)


Michelle said...

Yay! God is good!

Rachel Farley said...

Praise the Lord!! It's very commendable of you guys for having such great hearts through all of this. You're a witness to many.