Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Wedding

Nate and Sarah got married on Saturday! And, I know, it's taken me this long to post any pictures. But, I have a very good excuse....

On Sunday, I was exhausted from all the travels and taking care of children for the weekend.

On Monday, I felt throat hurt but I thought it was from the weekend.

On Tuesday, I ran a fever of 103.8. Umm, yeah....something was definitely not right. I found out I had an ear infection, mastitis, AND strep throat. Yikes!!! I have not been this sick since a kidney infection in 2007. It was AWFUL!

I'm slightly on the mend....I can at least get out of bed and take short walks now but I think I won't be 100% for a couple of days.

I told you it was a good excuse :)

But, here's a couple pics...the wedding was beautiful, the kiddos went down the aisle without tears (even though they screamed during rehearsal!), and now Nate and Sarah are married. All is well!!

The four of us girls were all camp friends and Nicole and Rachel married brothers and Sarah and I married brothers. So cool, huh?
Nicole and I are going to arrange a marriage between these, Aubrey, here's your future husband :)

"Hey, Evie, let's ditch this whole wedding thing and just play with toys, okay?"

Fun stuff!! Now to sleep a little more and try to get better :)


Cassie said...

What a beautiful family you have. Seriously, every last one of you is adorable. And I'm so happy for you that you get to call such a good friend your sister. :)Oh, and feel better soon. Mastitis is the worst. Bleck.

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

LOVE IT, but I'm so sad that you're SO sick! My cousin had mastitis, and said it was NOT fun. :( Hope you feel much better soon!