Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Adding to the Busyness

Have you ever had those moments in life when you think, "Life is so chaotic, we might as well just add more chaos to it since it's not going to slow down anytime soon?" Well, that has been the last 3 weeks for us. I'll bullet point it for you:

*July 23rd: My husband got offered a full time position...he has been working a .6 for a year (which is totally normal for an RN!) and we were so hoping and praying that someday he would get a full time position. Well, the day before Connor was born, he accepted a full time RN job doing the exact same thing only more hours! Wahoo!!!

*July 24th: Our 3rd child, Connor, was born!

*July 25th: We begged our doctor to let us go home after only 24 hours in the hospital. Other parents say that hospital stays are vacations....they are definitely not for us! We couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and get back home! My doctor is great and cleared us to go home.

*July 26th-Aug 4th: Umm, seriously, WHEN did August start? My days are so mixed up as of late and I didn't have a clue it was August already!

*Aug. 4th: So, right now we're in a 1,000 square foot house. It is absolutely doable to fit 5 people plus a dog into this house.....but it's been pretty cramped and hard to have anyone but our family in here. We decided to leisurely look at homes to fit our growing family. Well, our "leisure look" turned into us finding an acreage the first week we were looking!

*Aug. 5th: Met with a realtor and was told we had to put our house on the market the next day to try to get our house sold! WHAT!?!?! Umm, we had a 2 week old at this moment with gifts and toys everywhere! But, we stayed up late and got up early and cannot believe that we pulled off getting our house sell ready in a day's time.

*Aug. 7th-present: Trying to keep our house spotless....with a 3 1/2 year old, 2 year old, and 3 week old child. Oh.my.goodness. This is officially crazy! We've had 3 house showings and we're praying that more come through and our house sells!

Another part of our journey...we're trying not to get too invested in the house since there are so many variables but we're also cautiously optimistic that this COULD be the place that we settle into for quite a while. We shall see! In the meantime, we'll be spending quality time at parks and stalking our house while we check out the prospective buyers :)

Oh, and here are some recent pics of the kiddos for the fun of it:


AmberNDahl said...

Praying that your house will sell! You guys are so brave! :) I love how God answered your prayers the day before Connor was born. So amazing. Fun to catch up on your life!

Painter Angie said...

Love hearing your news and seeing the newest 'Willey'!! Prayers that your house will sell quickly! And that God will give you the desires of your hearts! Blessings! :)