Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Being Creative

Today was COLD and with a forecast of cold temps and blizzard like conditions to come, we're trying to be a little creative around here (can I just say how AMAZING it is to have more space this winter!?! Still so grateful for extra square footage!)

My kiddos have used so many of their new toys from Christmas so THAT has been pretty fantastic! Some snippets from our day:

Only one way into the castle!

Washing their toys...this entertained for quite a while

Playing with one of Aubrey's Christmas gift-sorry for the blurry was a quick one from my phone
Organization: Project #3-My Closet
Today I worked on closets and didn't get TOO far but it's progress. I'm going through pre-pregnancy clothes, maternity clothes, and in between clothes to decide what to keep/donate What I failed to mention is that I'm trying to organize and get rid of things from 5 years ago when we moved from Iowa....things that have been in storage that long (and obviously we don't need!) This is all the stuff that still needs a place in our home (or else it gets donated/tossed). It's going to be quite the project...*whew*
Our basement storage-can't wait to get this cleared out


AmberNDahl said...

Looks like a fun snow day yesterday! It was so fun to see you on Sunday! Tony noticed your parents' Christmas card and said, "Hey, there's those people again!" Haha! He loved Tristan's open mouth face. :)

Erika said...

Ha! So funny!! It was SO fun to see you all!!