Monday, January 5, 2015

Our Snowy Day

Today's organization:
Day 2:
Taking down my Christmas decorations and packing away until next year!
My kids were a HUGE help! Today has been a snowy Minnesota day and temperatures have dropped. I usually dread January but if today is any indication of the rest of January, it won't be too bad...I have a project, my kids have room to run in the house, and I love the snow!
A snapshot from the other day (when it was warmer!)

Home preschool was back in action today and it was red day (can you tell!?!) I love this relaxed learning....we do a short lesson (letters and sounds) and then do a small activity to start our morning off-nothing fancy but it seems to help our days not get too long!


Unknown said...

Love that you start the day with things!! I want to see what you do each day. I want to start doing a few small things with Caleb but this is not my strong point!! Great picture on the sleds!!

AmberNDahl said...

Love that idea of having a "red" day! We should do that too!! :)