Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Goals

I need to reboot this blog. This blog started as a place to keep family updated when we lived in Iowa. Then it morphed into a full fledged mommy blog but it's been a little quiet around here the last 2 years. I want to do something about that!

I've been inspired by and the goal setting she does. This year I'm setting some realistic goals and hoping to blog about my goals. I want to challenge myself more and give people a window into our life more. Expect shorter posts but hopefully more frequent ones about the ins and outs of our household.

My first goal? Get this house mucho organized! Now that I feel better, I am challenging myself to find a place for everything in my house. My plan is to get things organized by the last day of January.

DAY 1: Organize my Pantry
This pantry was costing me money! I kept forgetting I had things so I would buy another package of it. I have 6 packages of spaghetti...I think I'm good on pasta for a while :)

Snacks on bottom, breakfast/lunch on 2nd shelf, dinner food above, and extra baking/condiments on top. SOOO much better!! Goodbye unorganized pantry!

1 comment:

AmberNDahl said...

Love it! I did a lot of organizing this past fall and it feels SO good to clean out and organize! I agree, it does cost us more money!