Just when I think I have some things planned out, I am reminded how much better it is to trust God than to stick to my plans. Here's a little update on life lately....I have started at my job and while it isn't exactly what I thought it was (there's no teaching involved), I still have settled into it nicely and REALLY like my coworkers. I have confidence that it's where God wants me right now.
will be taking at least one class sometime next year but I'm still pondering if I should take the minimum credits to get relicensed in MN or if I should actually go back to school for something I could do in the future. I'm just sitting on it right now and seeing if God opens up any doors! :)
Something we didn't see coming that is making us trust God more is budget cuts in the state of MN. Yikes....when we lived in IA, we were sort of oblivious to all the economic downfall. We just found out that Aaron's program that he was banking on getting into (an accelerated nursing program that would have been 15 months long and allowed him to graduate with a BSN in Dec. of '12) has been cut due to the economy.
That means that if the regular MSU Nursing program doesn't work out, we'll have to move again after next year. And, if it does work out, it will be another year of schooling (incovenient but still fine) Again, I'm reminded to trust and "not be anxious about tomorrow" but live in today.
So, that's been us lately on our journey. Exciting and scary all at the same time. Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!