Friday, June 3, 2011

Anywhere and Everywhere

It has started. Tristen is into EVERYTHING and cannot stop moving.'s either
1) Rolling around and somehow getting himself into the most interesting positions (the crib is the craziest. Somehow he ends up at the opposite side of the bed in the morning.)
2) Grabbing everything in sight and putting it into his mouth. While he was starting to do this a month or so ago, now it's EVERYTHING in sight....even his wipe container and an ottoman (he saw the ottoman while in his bumbo and pulled it toward himself)! He's a strong little man already.
3) Flopping out of our arms because he wants to stand.
He is keeping me on my toes already! But, as busy as he is these days, he still sleeps through the night and is AWESOME about naps. And, he's always extremely happy....especially when he's rolling around. So, I suppose I wouldn't want it any other way.....Busy while awake but a fantastic sleeper. :) Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

How on earth is he old enough to start wanting to stand already?! I haven't even met him yet!!!! By the way, I just have to say that I LOVE his outfit in the last picture, how adorable!