Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beauty #1

"What IS that!?!?" is a typical question every time someone new meets Aubrey. Confused, I wonder what they're talking about until I look at her forehead and remember.

"Oh! It's a strawberry hemangioma. Slightly common in babies and will go away in time."

A few weeks after Aubrey was born, a raised red spot formed on her forehead. I was curious about it but not worried and found out what exactly it was at her 2 month appointment. The doctor informed me it will be with her for a while....and my response was "So I should probably stop photoshopping it out?" :)

It's part of who she is. It's part of her infancy.

Lately I haven't been able to see much beauty around the world. It sometimes feels like everywhere I turn, another discouraging thing is happening. Last week I had a few revelations and one of them was to start FINDING beauty in the world again. Finding beauty in the places that most people deem unbeautiful.

I also wanted an excuse to get out my camera more. I figured that if I started looking for things to photograph, I would start seeing beauty around me. Beauty, Love, Hope, Miracles....these are the things I want to look for.

As I started thinking of the first beautiful thing that I wanted to capture, I instantly thought of Aubrey's hemangioma. I truly see it as her beauty mark. A unique thing that is beautiful to me. It may not be what the world would deem beautiful, but to me.......

It's Beauty


{LKK} said...

I love my little beauty named Aubrey! Kiss her for her auntie? :) xo!

Connie said...

My nephew was born with a hemangioma on his forehead and it grew quite a bit at first. We were all so concerned. But it went completely away within 3-4 years and never left a scar. It was just absorbed back into the skin. We were so used to seeing it we never thought about it until people would ask us when we went to the store. Looking back at pictures it was just part of who he was. It will work out fine and the memories of the pictures of her will be priceless.