Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Reusable Materials #1

I felt the need to write something happy about our life lately too :) So, politics aside, I've been trying to find creative ways to occupy Tristen using materials around the house. Examples? Egg cartons and baby jars for sorting objects in as well as old cookie sheets for magnet fun. You get the idea :)

We are headed to a rehearsal and wedding tomorrow and Friday and I needed to replenish my bag of tricks to keep Tristen occupied during each. Today we finally finished off a container of Parmesan so I quickly washed it out and found another material I could reuse as a toy. (I've been eyeing our Parmesan container for weeks so I could make this activity!)

In case you can't tell, it's just pipe cleaners cut in half and a Parmesan container. (Make sure to fold over the ends of the pipe cleaners so they aren't sharp!) It has already provided entertainment so I'm sure it will keep Tristen occupied for part of the wedding at least!! Great fine motor skills being developed as well as he pushes the pipe cleaners through the holes :) I like the challenge of trying to keep Tristen quiet during church and special events like weddings. I'll let you know how it goes :)

Have a HAPPY Wednesday all....I'm trying :) At least I know the next few days will be fun even though this week has been a downer so far.

P.S. Pinterest inspired idea :)


Michelle said...

Good idea! I made something similar for Keagan with pipe cleaners and one of those containers from the baby puffs. I just used a hole punch and put holes in the cover and it keeps him busy! If you have any puff balls laying around, those work too. Keagan loves them even more than the pipe cleaners. He sorts them by color and then puts them in the container. :)

Erika said...

I'm a BIG fan of puff balls....we use them probably more than pipe cleaners :) He LOVES sorting them in old egg cartons!!