Monday, December 17, 2012

If at First You Don't Succeed,

Try, try again.....6 years later!

"Huh? What are you talking about", you ask??

I'm talking about a haircut. My husband's haircut to be exact.

6 years ago, my husband asked me to cut his hair. We had been married 5 months and we decided to try to save some cash every month on haircuts. I had never cut hair in my life so I tried and failed MISERABLY! Aaron ended up buzzing his hair because it was SO bad! Thankfully he didn't care and we had a good laugh about it.
The buzz cut 6 years ago! Hahaha! Oops!

Needless to say, I didn't try again and he has been getting his hair cut by others since then.

Until last week.

"Erika, will you TRY to cut my hair again?" asked my husband. I've been cutting Tristen's hair for a year now and have slightly gotten the hang of it even though it's far from perfect!!

Thinking of my disaster haircut, I was VERY reluctant.

After 2 hours of sweat, blood (well, almost!) and close to tears, I cut my husband's hair. I must admit there was a sense of accomplishment and pride when it was all said and done. *whew* Unfortunately (for me!), my husband liked it so much that I think I have a part-time job every 4-6 weeks. Hmmm....maybe I shouldn't have tried again! :)

The much-improved-though-not-perfect haircut last week
So, the moral of the story is, "If at first you don't succeed, keep trying and PERSEVERING through!" You just might save your family some cash in the process!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Ethan cuts our boys' hair too and every time he tries for perfection and he always finds something he doesn't like. :) I think it looks perfectly fine every single time haha!