Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Day of Thought

Today it was freezing and snowing so we called off school. It was incredible to have the day off...catch up on laundry, play with my dog, spend time in the Word, and think. I have been thinking so much today about living for eternity and the ways to change my perspective on life.

A while ago, I got the NWC alumni catalog in the mail and had fun reading up on what all my classmates were now doing with their lives. But then, it struck me...I began getting so discouraged because I started comparing myself to everyone else and thought to myself, "I didn't do anything outstanding after college...I just teach preschool in a small town in Iowa." I was truly down as I kept reading about the awards and things everyone else had done. But then, through my husband and the Holy Spirit, I realized that God uses ordinary people in ordinary ways to do extraordinary things. I started thinking about eternity more and remembered that we don't take awards and degrees with us to heaven...but we can lead people to Christ who we will see in heaven. Although it's still a struggle not to compare, my focus has changed...yesterday at work I looked at those dear kids in a new light. My lead teacher and I are perhaps the only Bible that they will read...and if just one of them comes to Christ because of the love I show them or the patience I have with them, then it will all be worth it.

Just realizing that gives me a purpose, but more so, a motivation to pray more for the people I come in contact with and be more bold about being a Christian.

"Contentment comes when God’s will is more important than our wants." -Taken from "Our Daily Bread"


Sheri said...

Hi Erica! I just saw on Facebook that you created a "blog!"

It's wonderful to see that you and your husband are enjoying all the blessings the Lord has for you and are serving him wholeheartedly in the new home he's given you!

I have been blogging off and on for about a year now and find it to be fun and also a bit of a ministry. Our family moves quite often because of my husband's military career too, so it's nice for family and friends to get up-dates on our family life... I'm sure your family will feel the same way. =)

Love & Hugs! ~ Sheri

Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz,
I read your blog and the funny thing is that I have felt the same! It's funny how we compare ourselves to others. I'm reminded of what one of my junior counselors at Hidden Acres told me once, "God doesn't call us to be successful, but to be faithful." I think of this often when I wonder what my purpose is and remember that the most important thing is to to be faithful to Christ and what He asks me to do.

You are an amazing woman of God and I'm proud to have you as family. Love ya bunches...
Amber D

Erika said...

It's so encouraging to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with that!! I love that saying your jc told you! I'm going to remember that! :) Love you too, Amber!