Friday, May 8, 2009


One thing I've been wanting to blog about is how much Aaron and I have become plant lovers. Aaron especially but I'm getting up there with my love for plants. Last year we took on the job of landscaping our yard. A friend from church was getting rid of some extra plants and offered us BEAUTIFUL plants to put in our landscaping plans. A week ago they shot up and add so much to our yard. This week we rearranged, planted new, and thinned out plants. It feels so good to get down and dirty with plants!

The funniest thing we planted new this year was a weeping mulberry tree. What happens when your neighbor adds on to their house and puts in a window that looks into your "secluded" backyard? Well, we planted a tree. However, from the looks of it, we don't have our privacy back quite yet.
Maybe in a's supposed to get leaves pretty soon. This tree is like a miniature weeping will only get 6 feet high but if unkept, will look like a creature. Hmm..I think with my talented and tidy husband it will never look like a monster but that is something we have to be careful with.

Here are a few other fun things in our yard that are blooming right now:
Fresh Lilacs...Mmm, I love the smell!

Crab Apple Tree
Thank you to the former residents of our house that planted this gorgeous tree in our front yard!

Dwarf Flowering Almond

Purpleleaf Sand Cherry


Adventures with Claire, Jason, and Jonas!! said...

also, your home looks amazing...maybe you should be an interior decorator:)

Adventures with Claire, Jason, and Jonas!! said...

Erika- you guys have some gorgeous plants! I have been also getting the green thumb lately, ....I even planted some pumpkin seeds, just to see what would happen, and they are growing like crazy! Yay for spring!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, those blossom photos were amazing. They would look awesome framed. I loved the mulberry tree -- the flowers underneath were so pretty. You two are motivating me to get going outside, too. I haven't done anything but rake. My lilacs are ready to bloom yet. Good job on the gardening! Marcia

SCGrotzke said...

They are all so beautiful!!!