Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dreams, Dreams, Dreams

I LOVE that I dream every night. It's so much fun to wake up in the morning and recall the events that went through my head while asleep. Last night was no different as I had an intensely real dream that I lived in Africa for three years and was just returning home. Only, everyone who I came into contact with was different. Like.....

My brother was a professional comedian...

I think my parents had more kids....I remember a bigger family...

I came home to live in a tent

Various people had gotten married....people who don't know each other in real life

My husband was.....hmmm, where was he in my dream? Maybe I accidentally left him in Africa!

Those are just a few but anyways, this dream was so distinct and REAL that this morning it took quite a while to tell myself that it wasn't real....ever have one of those dreams?


Cassie said...

I have those all the time! It's like I wake up and don't know what is real and what was dream!

Erika said...

Absolutely!! Last night I had another crazy was sooo weird! I keep dreaming that I'm not married to Aaron but I want to be...and then I'm happy when I wake up and know that I am in fact married to him :) Weird :)