Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sadie-The Antisocial Dog

(Sadie as a puppy...what a cutie!)

I seriously just LOVE my dog.....she's so stinkin' cute and LOVES people! Once she gets the initial bark out of the way when you come to the door, she will warm into your heart with her puppy dog eyes and sweet demeanor.


Sadie despises other dogs. What did we do wrong as dog parents?? Haha :) She has gotten into the habit of barking at people who walk by and especially people who have dogs with them. It wasn't a big deal when we were living with Aaron's parents but our new house is on a busy street where people walk their dogs every night and every one is out and about.....something that we're LOVING about our new neighborhood!

But, our dog sounds like she's going to eat all our new friends SO, we decided that we needed to retrain her and socialize her.

We're on Day Three and so far, so good!!! We've been rewarding her like mad when she just watches people walk by and today she made her first "doggy friend"...our neighbor's dog. It's a little tiring as I've had to sit by her side and be very very patient with her......maybe a teeny tiny glimpse into parenthood? Nah.....this is a piece of cake compared to that :)
But, hopefully in a few weeks, I can say Sadie:The very Social Dog! :)

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