Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eating a Piece of Humble Pie

So, I feel a little sheepish and humbled. These last few months I've wanted to escape the internet world and live in my own private little world. Away from worries, away from conflict, away from any kind of frustration I have with people. Although I still think facebook and blogging can often lead to unfair judgments against people and unkind remarks that people would never say to your face but think they have every right to do so in written form, I've bit the bullet and figured out that I can still do this thing called "blogging and facebook" and just guard myself against feelings of frustration with people and hurt over my words taken out of context. It's just going to happen. It's life. People will hurt us and not even know it and we will hurt others and not know it.

So, where does humble pie come into all this? Well, first, I'm humbled by going back and forth about the internet and being fickle. I hate being fickle. But, I'm staring it in the face and making a definitive decision. We (meaning Aaron, Tristen, and I) are still on a journey and I would like to share my journey with whomever reads this silly little thing called a blog. There, it's final. No more fickleness.

Second, I was way humbled by a documentary I recently watched. I love history and decided I wanted to keep my brain sharp SO, I've been trying to learn about historical events and remember facts. I would love to figure out more of my family tree in the future and visit some of the places my ancestors lived. I watched this documentary about America and I was so excited to live vicariously through the movie. As the first few moments started with images of great moments in history, I wished I could have lived in "the good ole days" of America.

*Insert humbling moment* As I watched, it got more and more depressing by the minute. People on the Westward movement who ate each other when food ran out, the settlers who killed others for land, the greed that led slave owners to look at slaves as pieces of meat instead of human beings, and on and on and on it went. One night I announced to Aaron, "I don't want to live on this earth anymore. It's so corrupt."

I guess I never really realized how corrupt the world has always been. And it will always be until the Lord returns. It makes me yearn for heaven and all the goodness and glory that will be there....for eternity. I seriously cannot wait.

SO, I'm humbled because the internet doesn't look so bad after all that. It can be a means of hurting others but it can also be a means of uplifting and sharing the good news that Jesus is our light in a dark and depressing world. And instead of abandoning it all, I have a renewed hope that it can be my voice to a world that so desperately needs a Savior.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Amen! Glad you have come to a decision! I know I enjoy reading your blog and I'm glad I'll still be able to! For me, I'm getting rid of blogging because things on the internet tend to become a bit of an addiction for me. I could sit on the computer for HOURS blogging and facebooking and things of that sort. So since moving across the country is already starting a new chapter, I figured I might as well add to that by working on my "addictions." :)