Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day of Past

Mmmm, I like Valentine's Day. To be perfectly honest, I liked Valentine's Day even when I didn't have a Valentine.....just a fun day to celebrate LOVE. The only time I didn't like it was in 5th grade when a boy in my class gave me a Valentine and I was terrified that it might say "I like you" in it since that was the rumor circulating. I saw his name on the outside, turned quite red, quickly put it in the very back of my desk and didn't open it. Sharing this story years later with my family, they laughed heartily when I told them that I finally opened it on the last day of school when we had to clean out our desks and it simply said,

"Erika, you're a good friend." 

HA! I didn't like all that lovey dovey stuff back then and this was the same boy who I had my only fight in school with (fight meaning I stabbed my mechanical pencil into his back because he teased me relentessly....I had to stay in for recess because of that one!)  Oh, those were the days.....these days I would probably get a suspension for something like that :)

Anywho, besides that year, I've always loved Valentine's Day :) While my high hopes of getting up and making heart pancakes for Tristen and I didn't quite happen, I know that we'll still have a good Valentine's Day today. Aaron is away at clinicals but will be home tonight :)

And, just because pictures are fun.....I was browsing through Valentine's Day of past:

2007: First year of marriage!! We went out to eat and saw a musical! 

2008: First year of living in Iowa (in our first home! I loved making a meal and dressing up!!)

Maybe that's why we love Valentine's Day.....it's an excuse to dress up! That, and we're both romantics at heart :)

Happy Valentine's Day from the Willey clan :) We hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I made heart shaped pancakes for lunch today! The kids loved it! :)