Tuesday, March 20, 2012

15 months

Tristen is almost 15 months old. Where has the time gone...I mean, really....I cannot believe it! I heard that it was supposed to rain all week so I wasn't planning on getting any pictures in. However, I looked through pictures yesterday and noticed I took a mere 20'ish photos of my son over the last 2 months. The video camera is out as he's walking and talking up a storm but the camera has been stored away. Then yesterday happened. With no storm on the horizon for much of the day, I grabbed him and our camera and we had fun. Like, LOTS of fun....

We couldn't find the golf clubs which would have worked perfectly in with these but, oh well! Maybe next time!!

Have I mentioned how anxious we are for Baby #2 to get here?? Saying her name around the house, praying for her at night with Tristen, slowly building her wardrobe with precious gifts that people have given us....this time around is SO different. I just can't wait for her arrival....and yet I have 3 more months to go. *sigh* I wish it was June, yet I do want to enjoy "just the 3 of us" for a little while longer! But, goodness, I really REALLY wish it was June-July!

Today was rainy and dreary....and I absolutely enjoyed it. Rainy days are refreshing as are quiet times such as what I'm experiencing right now. Not a sound in the house as Tristen and Sadie are sleeping away....*sigh* so peaceful. For someone who hates to be alone, I am pleasantly surprised by this peaceful night :)

And with that, I think I'm going to retreat to my couch and grab a book. Good night, all.

1 comment:

AmberNDahl said...

What a cutie patootie!!! I love these pictures!!!