Thursday, October 2, 2014

Post Surgery

Well, I'm home and recovering! Yesterday I had my surgery and all went well. They did a test to make sure a gallstone hadn't gone into my bile duct and thankfully it hadn't so recovery should be a little easier.

The thing I was most nervous about was being put under. I have a hard time going to sleep at night so I was wondering if I'd be that person who couldn't be put under. Ummm, yeah, don't remember a thing! They must have drugged me before I knew what was happening :)

Funny story-When I was waking up, I was apparently "comforting a baby" by patting my shoulder and saying, "It's OK, it's OK" You can tell I have an infant at home :)

I definitely feel like I've been through surgery though. I'm pretty sore and tired but all in all, I'm doing good. Hopefully I'll update again soon but a nap is calling my name :)

1 comment:

AmberNDahl said...

So glad you are feeling some better now. I remember when I was being put under they got me talking about something and I don't remember even finishing my sentence. I think it would be fun to be in the room to see what someone looks like when that happens. :)