Tonight is definitely not the night to be blogging....I'm tired (exhausted is probably more appropriate) physically and emotionally but I can't sleep and I thought it was about time I updated even with a bit of news on our life.
Instead of thinking of how many weeks along I am, lately I've been counting down....almost 10'ish weeks to! And the more I count down, the more I think about how much I have to do before then....I haven't started on my nursery (thankfully next week my parents are coming to help) and the bigger our son gets, the bigger I get, and I feel like I'm unable to do the things that have to be done. *sigh* I know it will work out but I'm just feeling anxious and very unprepared as I approach 30 weeks....
Work is super tiring to say the least....I'm working until the day I go into labor (or due date..whichever comes sooner) and tonight I started second guessing that decision....maybe the lifting, bending, etc. will send me into labor sooner? I've been working extra hours to cover for coworkers and it's starting to really wear on me...uggh...
Sorry this is a baby talk/work/not fun post....
So, as I was thinking about these things at 10:00 when I tried to go to bed, I was struck with one of mine and Aaron's life verses that we adopted when we were dating.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God." Phil. 4:5-7
What an incredible reminder as I am stressed and anxious about these next two months....things will work out and all I need to do is rely on God daily and not be anxious about tomorrow. He has given me strength to persevere through hard days at work so far and I know He will continue to do so even when I feel like I physically can't go on.
So, those are my thoughts for tonight....relying on God day by day and trying not to feel anxious about tomorrow and all of its unknowns :) Now if I could just go to sleep....