Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's A Small World After All....

*Cue It's a Small World music*
"It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
Its a small, small world"

Now you all have that song in your head as you read this post....I know, it will drive you crazy for the rest of the day! Bwahaha *evil laugh* But, seriously, it is SUCH a small world, isn't it?

For some reason tonight, I am a little bewildered at how small the world is. High school friends, camp friends, college friends, family friends, in-laws, Cherokee friends, Mankato friends all seem to "know-someone-that-knows-someone-that-knows-someone" that I know from another chapter in my life. So stinkin' crazy. Thank you Facebook for continually showing me how small the world is. Anyone else think the world is crazy small and the connections are endless?

Or, maybe it's just because I grew up in Iowa and everyone knows everyone in Iowa :) *Shout out to the great state of Iowa* :) Anywho, random thought of the day!


Rachel Farley said...

I love these last two posts. :)

Hope to see you soon dear!

Sarah and Alex said...

I am amazed as well at how small the world is! Do you ever forget how you know the person too? Sometimes if a college friend is friends with one of my high school friends I can't remember which one is which! Haha

Erika said...

Yes!! I totally forget sometimes, Sarah!! I've had a couple high school friends marry college friends...but they found out after they were together that they knew me from different times in life...SO crazy!!