Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day

Ahhh....and I'm back. I had a fantastic Labor Day weekend! This morning I was just a LITTLE tired from all my travels (and from laughing all weekend!) but it was all so worth it. Tristen and I spent Friday and Saturday in South Dakota visiting my grandparents while Aaron worked and studied the weekend away. Here are a few pics mostly for my relatives who read this!Chillin' with my aunt Terri

My cousin Kerry and I had a great weekend together

Tristen likes "Aunt Kerry"

And so do I! I miss this girl!

Picture time with my grandparents!!

Then, Tristen and I came back to Mankato to spend Sunday and Monday with the Willey side. I didn't take many pictures because I've come to depend on this girl's mad photography skills.....
But, here are a few:

Aaron missed us while we were gone and wanted some good quality time with his son

My dear friend, Sarah, was in Mankato for the weekend and we loved hanging out with her!!

The guys played Bocce Ball

And, as always, there was a lot of baby giggling time!

This picture cracks me up!

The girls! Yea!

And, that was my weekend :) Hope you all had a great Labor Day as well!

1 comment:

{LKK} said...

Fun post! I love all the photos... :) And thank you for the compliment *blush*. Can't wait to spend time with you again!