Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Little Grown Up

Yesterday I took some pics of Tristen. As I was editing them, this one struck me. Tristen looks like a little man. He's not a baby anymore.....if I blink my eyes I feel as though he will be a teenager, putting on a tie by himself. Wow. Life is already going so fast and it's only gotten faster with children. Little boy, don't grow up too fast :) 

We've been quite tired lately with travels and early EARLY morning clinicals that Aaron has had to drive quite the distance to attend. I've had strange bursts of energy (like yesterday, randomly deciding to touch up paint in my house) but they are followed by moments of extreme fatigue. The internet has been one of the last things on my brain lately but here I am, with a tiny burst of energy, checking in. 

I think my burst of energy is gone though since no other words are coming to me. I think I'll pick up The Help and read myself to sleep....Good night (and goodbye, January! Hello February!)!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

He IS a little grown up! Why do they have to grow so fast?!