Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An International Hello

It's a small world. I just got off the phone with a friend from college who recently went to the Ukraine (where I went on a choir tour 2 years ago). He said he saw some of the translators we met and that one of them sent a message through him to say "hello" to me. It gave me the goosebumps as I thought Ukraine and the amazing people we met there. It also caused my heart to stir with a yearning to go back. It reminded me to never underestimate the influence we may have in other people's lives! Both the influence the translators had on my life and perhaps the influence I had on their lives. A few pictures to help me remember the wonderful European experience.
Bach's church in Liepzig, Germany

Frauenkirche church in Dresden, Germany.
A little piece of heaven.

Courtyard area in Dresden, Germany

A beautiful church in Kiev, Ukraine.

One of my translator friends got married in this church! Wow!

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