Monday, June 2, 2008

The Softball League

We have had quite the adventures already this summer! Aaron and I have been trying to stay very active outside since the weather is finally nice!! We've done alot of disc golfing and have gone to the driving range a few times. Yesterday we were at church and we found out about our church softball league. The first game was yesterday and they needed a few more players. We signed up quickly and at 1:30, we walked down to our game (the baseball field is practically in our backyard). It was honestly such a blast! And, we won 31-2. Wow! I was impressed...we have alot of really good people on our team! *Not including myself, however :) It was also an answer to prayer because I had been praying for other opportunities to meet people in our church and God certainly answered that prayer through our softball league! Yea! Now I have to practice though...hmm :)

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