Sunday, October 5, 2008


It was 9:30 last night and I was exhausted and feeling kind of strange. Our house was especially warm so I opened up windows, put the fan on and went to bed. A few hours later, I woke up in a cold sweat and felt terrible. My husband convinced me to take my temp....101.2??? I couldn't believe it. I haven't had a fever in like 2 years! So, today I stayed home and slept the day away. Sadie, my dog, cuddled up beside me as I read, watched a movie, and slept :) Although I don't like being sick, it is kind of fun to have a sick day once in a while! Especially when I have a loyal dog who is by my side the whole time :) So, that was my day! I better take my temp again...hopefully it's not 101.2 still!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I hope you are feeling better, Erika! Lots of rest and chicken noodle soup! :)