Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Companion

Sadie is my companion for the night. Today was a typical day in that it was busy from the moment I got up to the moment my children went to bed. Some tears, some tantrums, some giggles, some priceless moments. After I lay Aubrey in her crib and turn off the last light, I always need to relax. But, as I proceeded to unwind and kick up my feet, Sadie looked up at me with her wide eyes. I knew what it meant.

She needed attention.

When Aaron is away, I usually respond with a "For real!? Sadie, I literally JUST sat down!" (and, as I write this, she suddenly has to go outside RIGHT now which I am also responding with a "For real!?!")

But tonight was different. She needs me and I need her right now. She brings a sense of relaxation and comfort. Just her presence has a "you don't have to have it all together, I still love you" aura to it and I found myself thinking, "Why am I not more like this?" Dogs are so forgiving. I can learn something from Sadie.

I'm ready for a new day. Ready to be patient with my children, to go with the flow and just be in their presence, and to give them the attention that they so need. Just like with Sadie, when I stop and just enjoy her, I learn a great deal from her. Praying for another joy-filled, yet crazy day learning from my kids :) 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I felt the same way abou Stanley when we had him. He was always there waiting for attention and unconditionally loved us. I love dogs :)