Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tristen's Friends

Remember this pic? In case you don't, it's from our small group....the four of us were pregnant at the same time and due within a few months of each other. Now, our kiddos have instant friends! So, here are Tristen's friends....
Miss Caitlin born in Sept. :)

And, brand new just this week...Mr. Elijah :)

SO cute!
And now we're just waiting for the fourth one to be born before the playdates begin! THIS is fun :) Happy Saturday!


Jen said...

I love this!! I can't wait until Kelly has hers and then we can get a pic of all 4 (or 8!) of us!!

Michelle said...

That is so fun to have built in playmates!!!!

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

YAY for friends!

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

K, I'm just responding to your comment on my blog - YES YES YES you should totally come on a short-term trip to India with me! God is SERIOUSLY doing some crazy stuff in my heart right now, and I'm starting to make connections back there for future trips. Keep it in your heart!!!