Friday, December 16, 2011

2 Long Years

7 Years Ago Aaron and I started dating
5 Years Ago I graduated from a married lady
2 Years Ago we moved to Mankato
1 Year Ago I was counting down the days until Tristen would be born

Even looking at this list, I can say that life goes fast. Years pass by quickly. 2 years is nothing.

But it still feels like SO long to have to wait for something.

In 2 LONG years, Aaron will graduate from college. Again. For the second time. With a completely different degree. We're at the halfway point and I have to admit I'm getting rather weary and tired from our constant struggles that seem to never end. In a way, I just want to be done. But in another strange way, I know I will always look back on this time fondly. I love hearing about our own parents' journeys of when both our dads went back to school later in life. I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories to tell our children.We've probably had our best and worst moments since moving to Mankato to go back to school. There have been many times when we were at a breaking point that God provided in incredible ways. We have had to trust like we've never done before and it has stretched us beyond what we could have ever imagined. But, it has been hard and this past week has been hard. I'm ready to be done.

But, there's still 2 more years. I know it will go quickly. But right now it seems to be dragging on. *sigh* 2 years....

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