Saturday, December 10, 2011

Productive Days!

Hello being productive the last two days! I forgot something when I wrote my last post.

My husband is done with school and had the entire day off yesterday!

It was SO good....I forgot how much he can help me get things done. We tackled our Christmas list yesterday. 4 hours later, we walked out of the last store with all of our Christmas presents bought (well, except my presents to him but I'll tackle those next week) By this morning, we had all of our presents wrapped and I'm currently working on some things for Tristen's birthday party while Aaron is at work.
Presents under the tree! Yes!!

Tristen's birthday invites! Taking advice from many December birthday friends, we won't have anything Christmas related at this birthday party! Newspaper and vintage theme, here we come!

Thinking through what I'll actually be able to accomplish, I decided to keep the birthday party an intimate, small event with only family. Major pressure taken off of my shoulders!! So, my list is shrinking and it feels good to be productive! Especially because I totally forgot that we're taking a mini-vacation to Northern Minnesota next week and I'll have three less days to work on things. But, I'm not complaining....a little getaway sounds so inviting right now! I can't wait :)

Okay, off to work on more projects! Hope you're all having a relaxing weekend :)