Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ramblings for the Day

One year ago I was sad that Tristen hadn't come yet. I was trying to prepare myself for what life would be like after he was here, what motherhood would be like, what the first month would be like, etc. I cannot believe that my little boy will be one year tomorrow....unbelievable!

Today I'm getting ready for the party and trying to clean my house once again. I cleaned it yesterday....hoping it would stay clean for the party. I guess it's one of the many lessons I learned this past house may always look "lived in" now that I have kiddos. Hopefully still neat and tidy but lived in all the same :) Today's activities include trying to bake a cake while still feeling a bit nauseous, finishing decorating, and trying not to think of any more ideas/projects to do before tomorrow. I always get last minute ideas and then try to do them....but I think I will just call it quits at 10:00 tonight. If things are done, great.....if I didn't get to an idea, oh well :) Again, part of how motherhood has changed me. Things don't need to be perfect anymore.....the day will be special no matter what :)

Some random thoughts about this new babe. I feel like I haven't talked much about him/her and I can already see how the second one can sometimes get overlooked. I haven't taken any pregnancy pictures and I'm nearing 13 weeks in comparison to taking a pic every 3-4 weeks with Tristen. I need to get on that! I have an inkling this babe is a girl but I could be very wrong. My food aversions have been completely opposite with this one, my symptoms have been different, my stomach is higher, the heartbeat is much higher, etc... I know, every pregnancy is different and this could in fact be a boy but I have had an inkling since I found out. Either one would be SO fun so I don't care a bit if it's a girl or boy :) I can see us being a family of all boys but I can also see a girl in the mix too....February will come soon and hopefully we'll be able to find out then! Baby names are much harder this time around so we'll see what we end up naming him/her....good thing we have until June to decide!

Those are my ramblings for the day! I'm hoping we have a surprise snow tonight so we can go sledding with Tristen on his birthday (an idea that I thought would for sure happen! I mean, when DON'T we have snow in December!!) but since our yard is completely brown with no snow in sight, I suppose we'll have to wait to take him sledding :)

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

1 comment:

Rachel Farley said...

You go girl!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the party! Isn't it the worst getting ideas when you don't have time to complete them?! I bet the party will be just perfect and you should take some time to rest today :)

I think a little girl would be so sweet for Tristen :)