Thursday, December 8, 2011


I just got back from a few days in Iowa spent with my parents while Aaron finished up his finals. It was fun to get away, relax, watch old Christmas get the point. But, on my way home, I thought of everything I need to do in the next 2 weeks.

Tristen's birthday is exactly two weeks from today. Christmas is a mere 3 days later. I have SO much to do before then and I'm starting to feel the pressure. Things like:

1) Buy Christmas presents. We have a few but quite a few more to go.

2) Wrap Christmas presents.

3) Send out Christmas cards. Haven't done this in like 3 years so I'm thinking a Christmas letter needs to go along with it.

4) Write Christmas letter. Make it at least somewhat enjoyable to read and try to recap the last 3 years of our life? Haha...we'll see how THAT goes!

5) Oh yeah, see my niece when she's born.

6) Wrap niece's present to take to her when she's born.

7) Doctor appointments for Tristen and I.

8) Tristen's birthday....this is a list in and of itself.

9) Buy him a birthday gift? Oh yeah...forgot about that one.

10) Christmas baking?

11) Oh yeah....1 year pics?

That's what I can think of right now but I'm sure more will come up (extended family Christmases, making a meal for our Christmas, Christmas programs, etc. etc. etc.)

*Whew* And I'm 11 weeks pregnant trying to do all this. Oh boy. I better get off this computer and start on my list. *sigh*


Rachel Farley said...

I wish we lived in the same town so I could help you! That is a lot of stuff to do girl. This time of the year is so busy, and especially for you.

Just remember that nothing HAS to be done and it's OK if you don't finish your list. Take time for yourself and enjoy time off with your hubby.


Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

AHH! I still love SO MUCH that you're pregnant! And in the midst of exhaustion....but YOU GO GIRL! You can do it...and if you don't get it done, it must not have been that important anyway. :)

Michelle said...

You are one busy mama!! :) I can't believe Tristen is almost 1 already!