Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being Spontaneous

Some of my favorite memories are spontaneous moments when my friends or I would get a brilliant idea, run with it before thinking it through, and have fantastic memories because of it. One such instance was seeing a dead goose alongside of a road. My roommate Tiff and I stopped the car, found a piece of cardboard in her trunk, picked up the dead goose, and delivered it to someone's door step as a prank. HA! It was a completely spontaneous act and a great memory now. (and, thankfully our friend who we delivered it to found it quite funny)

Well, today I was sewing ears on Tristen's cow costume and I decided to try Aubrey's costume on her and fix it in anyway possible. It just didn't fit her right...didn't look amazing on her and beside the fact, she looked like a boy in it. THAT can't happen to my little girl.

At 6:00pm, I started thinking. A spontaneous, last minute costume for tomorrow is what I needed to come up with. And suddenly, my adrenaline kicked in and I thought of "THE costume" that would be perfect for Aubrey. Grabbing my hot glue gun, I glued together some pieces and came up with a completely different costume for tomorrow. The best part? It was spontaneous and I'll have a great story to tell Aubrey someday :)

What is it? Well, stay tuned and hopefully there will be pictures! And, if it suddenly doesn't work (because, no, I haven't even tried it on her since she's sleeping away!), then I suppose she'll settle for a boyish looking bumblebee :)

I'll leave you with a few pictures....another spontaneous moment that happened yesterday. Everyone in my household had an off day yesterday but in those moments, I grabbed my camera and had a very impromptu photo shoot with Tristen. It was his only 20 minute happy spell all day...and one of the first times he has actually looked at the camera and smiled!


What a kid :) SOOO glad that today was a better day for us all!!

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