Sunday, October 14, 2012

Beautiful Weekend

Almost 7 years ago, I became engaged and started planning away at the wedding of my dreams. Aaron and I thought of ways to personalize our wedding and within just a few months, we had pretty much everything nailed down and decided. Almost everything in our wedding was a remembrance of something from our story. One special thing we planned was a footwashing ceremony in our service. During our dating period, Aaron washed my feet as a symbol of his wanting to serve me. We wanted to incorporate this special time in our wedding service so after we said our vows, Aaron washed my feet....the first thing he did as my husband. It was INCREDIBLY special and one of the highlights of my wedding :)

I have never seen this at a wedding since.
Until yesterday.
A dear friend from college got married yesterday and the whole wedding was beautiful!! I had goosebumps pretty much the entire wedding and one of those times was during the footwashing ceremony in which her new husband washed her feet. It was such a powerful display of love and brought me RIGHT back to my wedding. *sigh*
Since Aaron had a gazillion things to do yesterday, he wasn't at the wedding but my former roommate, Jennie, was the perfect date for Aubrey and I! Many of my friends from college choir were there (including my choir director!) so of course we rounded up all the former choir members at the reception and sang our "family song"- a beautiful song that we closed out every concert with. It was perfect.....and I loved every part of yesterday :) But now I miss college :(
I'm back to reality washing and ironing clothes and saying goodbye to the husband for yet another week, but holding onto yesterday's sweet and beautiful moment. Just like I have said before, life is a journey of BOTH the mountaintop experiences (like my wedding and yesterday) and the everyday walks in the park (like this mundane week). But through it all, God is good.
Hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did!
My date, Jennie! :)

Miss Aubrey and I-her flower went over her face right when we took this picture and Jennie said she looked like a unicorn....HA! I slightly agree :)

Congrats to the beautiful couple!!

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