Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My First Trip to the Hospital

Well, I have finally had my first trip to a hospital. Not to visit anyone else, not to Christmas carol for those who are sick...it was because I was sick! I had the flu last week and never really got over part of it. Although I went to work yesterday and I even played dodgeball with junior high kids on Saturday afternoon, I had been feeling sick and I felt sooooo sick last night that Aaron and I were concerned it was appendicitis! I could barely walk and felt terrible!! Finally, Aaron convinced me to go to the hospital and get checked out. After taking alot of tests and getting a great warm blanket every hour it seemed!!, they finally found an infection in my digestive system. Not fun! I could have made it a true hospital trip by spending the night and having an IV but since we live super close to the hospital, my doctor ordered me to not eat or drink ANYTHING until I see him today, take antibiotics, and sleep! Although I felt terrible still last night, I do feel better today and I'm glad that my first trip to the hospital wasn't for anything more serious! :) I am also thankful for an incredibly loving and supportive husband who waited by my side, calming me down! I could definitely still use alot of prayer....

Prayer for:
1) An absolute healing! I haven't been able to eat normally since last Wednesday.
2) My doctor said there is a slight chance it still could be appendicitis. Pray that as I see him today, it would not be appendicitis!
3) The infection would go away so I can go back to work...
4) I would have energy to finish my Valentine's cards...I know it sounds silly, but I had such great ideas, but I haven't felt good enough to get them done and am a little discouraged knowing it is only two days away...pray that I can so I can let people know how much I love them :)

Thanks so much! I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I will pray for you today Erika... may you be totally healed, healthy, and whole! And, may you feel well enough to get your Valentines made too. =) Those things are important to us girls. Hee. Hee.

Love, Hugs, & Prayers ~ Sheri