First, I had wrapped up presents for Aaron to open every hour! They were new and old things...Hershey's kisses, a poem, coupon for a backrub (and, I accidentally didn't put a limit on the times he can use I truly think he believes he will get a backrub every night now! haha! I'm going to have strong hands!) and the most fun one was a puzzle I ordered from York Photo with a picture of us on it. I went to school as usual and he went to work when all of a sudden, a storm blew through and school let out at 11:00!! Aaron picked me up from work at 12:30 and when I got home, I had the most incredible surprise waiting for me at the table. A dozen red roses!! They are BEAUTIFUL and I was sooo surprised! I love my husband! He is too good to me!
Next, we had our meal! Aaron and I LOVE to dress up so we made a meal~French Dips, crockpot corn (the best corn in the world! I got the recipe from my mom and it is incredible!),sparkling grape juice, and cherry cheesecake~and then dressed up! Even though we were too stuffed to eat the cheesecake, it was still fun to have a candlelight dinner!
Finally, Aaron opened up his gift from me, the puzzle. He loved it! We put in our favorite chick flick "Return to Me" and put the puzzle together. :) It was such a fun Valentine's Day!
The funniest part was, I was sooo tired that I went to bed at 8:00 last night!! And, didn't get up until 7:00 this morning! Wow!! But it was a wonderful day to reflect upon love and what true love really is. So often we think that love is just a feeling, an emotion that will never go away. This year, I have seen true love in an incredible way. It started with my grandpa's death in October when my dad and his siblings talked about my grandpa's love for God. They talked about how my grandpa kept God FIRST in his life, and all others were second. I was struck on the head as I started thinking about who was first in my life. I thought about how my grandpa loved the wasn't a feeling he was his COMMITMENT to the Lord that deepened his true love for him. THAT is what true love is...a commitment to be faithful and...act upon that commitment by being intentional. Aaron and I have started to be more intentional: with our relationship with God, our relationship with one another, our relationships with our family, our friends, and with the students we work with. It has been life changing to say the least and I have felt my heart full of love lately for those closest to me and for those in need of the challenge to you: Be Intentional today!
1 comment:
what a fun idea with the puzzle!!! it's so cute too, good job! :) and i absolutely love that you guys love dressing up, it's so fun!
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