Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Not Too Much Going On....

I wish I had something really creative to write about, but things are just normal in our household again :) Aaron's back at school and is excited about his classes: Physiology, Human Development, and (to have one more credit) Scuba Diving :) It's funny that he's in human development, learning about babies' development while we have one on the way....makes it a little more real and practical :)

I'm not going to lie....we've BOTH been nesting :) We received a carseat and stroller as a gift and are starting to "prepare" by using our hobbies to make our baby feel welcome. Sewing, knitting (it's coming along!), woodworking, scrapbooking....time is running out and I'm starting to feel like an elf making toys and clothes in time for Christmas....oh wait, that IS what I'm doing :)

(Our stroller!! If you can't tell, Baby Willey's color scheme is blue and brown)

I've been SOOO much more tired than ever before probably due to work, not being able to sleep, etc. but it's also making me very very dizzy. I'm assuming it's totally normal in pregnancy, but it's hard to work because my head just spins which then results in me being sick again....all of you experienced moms, let me know if it's abnormal :) I'm keeping hydrated so I know it's not that so I'm assuming dizziness is included in the pregnancy package!

That's a weekly update on us....Happy Tuesday all.....it's almost Sept. already!! Woah!


Michelle said...

I LOVE the blue and brown, it's so cute!!! I remember being really dizzy when I was working while I was pregnant too, so it must be normal! I remember having to run to the bathroom a few times right in the middle of class! It helped when I made sure I was drinking lots of water and eating a little bit throughout the day. :)

jenny said...

Yes, part of pregnancy. I didn't work during Bella, but was dizzy all the time. And with this one, I haven't felt any, so that's nice. I want to see your projects!

Adventures with Claire, Jason, and Jonas!! said...

I remember feeling dizzy while teaching too---I think I wasn't eating enough...oh the joys of being on your feet all day while prego! Doesn't December feel like forever away? Maybe that's because I am still clinging to summer (still technically one more month!)

Erika said...

Oh, I'm so glad it's normal!! I do think I need to eat a bit more protein and have snacks at school...perhaps that will help :) Yes, December seems like FOREVER away and my project pics will come soon! I'm ALMOST done with knitting adorable baby booties! Wahoo!