Thursday, August 12, 2010

Simple 1-2-3, eh?

Knitting...such a simple task, right? I know how to crochet and I've been really wanting to pick up knitting because I heard it is so similar. So, yesterday someone found this book discounted and gave it to me! I was ecstatic because now I could start my hand at knitting and this book has adorable baby things in it!

Last night I leisurely took it to bed with me and thought that I would at least get a row done, right? WRONG! :) I couldn't get casting on....I KNOW, the simplest thing! Aaron is a visual learner so he came and looked at the pictures to help me out and we still couldn't get it :) Any knitters out there that have tips for a beginner? I have the determination, now I need the brains and coordination to do it :)

Apart from knitting, today we were able to meet up with our friends I mentioned before (Bobby, Jenna, their kids, and his family, Mark, Karen, and Shane) as they were coming back from Rochester. It was SO good to see this dear family! As with all dear friends, it seemed like yesterday that we saw them when in all actuality, it was 8 months ago! Please keep them in your prayers as Bobby receives treatment for his cancer.

....As I'm sitting here, I'm reminded that summer is almost over that went fast! I start back next week and Aaron starts the following week. I'm sad to see it go, excited for fall (my favorite season!) and wondering what this year will bring :) *sigh*

***P.S. I JUST figured out casting on! Wahoo!!! (1 hr. after original post) ***


Rachel Farley said...

You will get it :)

Just keep with it and know that it's going to be frustrating.

Watch YouTube videos about it, those help lots.

Can't wait to see what you make for that sweet boy brewing inside you ;)

Michelle said...

I miss fall!!!!! Nothing changes color in the desert. Enjoy it for us! :)

jenny said...

Ugh! I never have thought learning knitting is easy. It's frustrating and confusing... but once you get it - it's easy. :-) I'd come over and show you if I lived closer.

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

ERIKA, way to go! I picked up knitting in India too, and did it all with Youtube videos (good thoughts, eh Rach?!) may feel like a total nerd (a prediction inspired from my own experience!), but it'll make casting on seem pretty easy. :) Can't wait to see your first project!