Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Extremely Motivated...hope it stays!

My second day of "summer break" was nothing like my first. Yesterday Aaron and I went to lunch, talked about summer schedules, when to fit in a vacation, etc. I laid out in the sun and just enjoyed not working. However, today, I was extremely motivated. I only have three months to get in alot of work! If I'm as motivated as I was today, I think I could build another house for us by the end of the summer! haha! It feels so good though. Having a purpose, responsibilities, and a passion to get things accomplished is a wonderful feeling. This morning I went for a run around a beautiful park a few blocks from our house. Not only did the run feel great, I was in awe of God's creation. If my entire summer is going to be as wonderful as yesterday and today was, I'm in for an incredibly blessed summer! Alright, enough on the internet, I need to keep enjoying this GORGEOUS weather and find another project to do!

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