Tuesday, May 6, 2008

In A Year's Time....

Alot can happen in a year.....Yesterday, Aaron and I celebrated our one year anniversary of being in full time ministry. In some ways it doesn't feel like that long and in other ways, it feels like we've been in ministry for a long time. I was thinking about all that I've learned in this year and was feeling a bit overwhelmed to write last night. I may not be able to write it all even now because so many mixed emotions are going through my mind as I think back a year ago!
A few things I loved this year were:

*Having a very intoxicated man try to break into our house our very first night in Cherokee :)
*Hearing the phrase "Pastor Aaron" for the first time
*Leading our first youth trip to the Boundary Waters...on our one year anniversary :) ha!
*Having one and one lunches with girls
*Our dear junior girls who make us CD's of random music
*Seeing one student make a life change and become a leader in the youth group
*Aaron training the junior high boys how to serve girls
*Campfires that lead to incredible talks
*The students God has given to us....
*Working with my husband
*The lonely times when I have realized that it is ONLY God and Him alone that can satisfy me...it has been a hard lesson, but He has humbled and shaped me this year through my loneliness and for that, I thank Him.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love your new picture and I can't believe it's already been a year since you guys started ministry...time goes by so much faster when we're older!