Monday, February 23, 2015

February Photo Challenge: Day 18

A week before we moved into this house, we got a text from our Realtor that went something like this:
"What do you think about taking in some kittens? The owner wants to leave them and has a deal if you'll keep them"
The deal was leaving something else on the property that helped us if we would keep their kittens. We wanted kittens but had NO idea that we were inheriting 10 cats!!! (8 of them being kittens that needed special formula for a month! Ahhh!)
I have to admit that I was completely overwhelmed our first month here because we had to do multiple feedings to keep them alive and it was just TOO much.
BUT, they have wiggled themselves into my heart and they are SOOO cute and have warmed up to us as well.
I can't believe they made it through our winter and this picture was taken on a day that it was -30 windchill....(Ahhh!! WHY do I live in Minnseota again!!?!? I know I say that every year around this time!! So ready for spring!)
They are pretty playful with each other and are pretty fun to have around.
We've started naming them. This one is Lily and we have Milly, Billy, you see a theme going here? :)

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