Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Photo Challenge: Day 3

A caring act:
"I can share MY books with you, Mom!"
Today we went to the library and the story I'm about to tell is the reason why I decided to go through with the photo challenge. I had been thinking of it and then Tristen's caring act spurred me to make up a list of things I want to document in the month of February. The story goes like this:
While at the library, I let my kids pick out some books and then proceeded to go pick out a book to read for myself. It was around lunchtime and one of my children decided to have a meltdown in the library. As a consequence, we didn't stay longer at the library to play but instead had to go home. With wide eyes, Tristen looked at me and said, "But, Mom, you didn't get to pick out YOUR book!!"
He was so worried that they had picked out their books but I hadn't gotten a chance to look. Honestly at that moment, teaching that we couldn't have meltdowns in the library was more important than getting a good book to read but Tristen wouldn't let the issue rest. All the way out to the car, he mentioned the fact and finally a lightbulb went off in his head. With a big smirk, he looked at me and said,
"I can share MY books with you, Mom!"
He went through the books that he had picked out and asked which one I wanted to read.
It was such a caring act and it showed his heart of love for me.
*We have since decided that Mom gets to pick out a book first from now on :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is such a great idea Erika!! What a great way to capture so moments in the month!! What a tender heart Tristen has too!!