Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February Photo Challenge: Day 4

Wednesday nights are always quite busy in our household. When I saw that today's word to look for was patience, I laughed since it's a hard thing to keep when there are so many schedules happening all at once.
My husband is a co-interim youth pastor at our church while we search for a new youth pastor. Because of this, he goes to the church early and the rest of our family meets him there.
I have a 10 minute window to get the kids out of the car, get Tristen to Awana, take the younger two children up to the Nursery, and then head to the youth group to be a small group leader.
Tonight as I was leading small group, I was amazed at my youth group girls' maturity and the patience they have with each other. It was a moment that I realized, "Wow, they are showing love to one another by being patient". After a hectic Wednesday night where many times I lost my patience, it was really cool to stop and see patience in action.
I told the girls about my February photo challenge and we came up with an idea of showing impatience :) Ha! What a fun group of girls that I have the privilege of hanging out with every week :)

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