Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February Photo Challenge: Day 8

Sorry I'm a few days late posting these! I've been painting and collapsing in bed at night from being so tired!! But, catching up tonight!
I had no idea where I was going to find nobleness. I mean, how can you photograph that? After church on Sunday, I sat down to reread this book. It is one of my favorite parenting books and as I read, a phrase about not being a noble parent popped up.
Then I thought more about that. There are plenty of parents in the world but how many noble parents?  Do we do the right thing even though it's not always popular (with our kids or others)? Do we shepherd our children even though it takes TONS of time and patience instead of doing our own thing?
I know I have a long ways to go in the whole noble parent department but I'm striving toward that and pray that with God's help, I can be a parent who is making the hard decisions and doing what's right instead of being lazy because it's more convenient and easy. This photo challenge day was both challenging and motivating!


Unknown said...

I am reading this book for the first time!! Love it and it challenges me a LOT!!

Erika said...

Isn't it SOOO good!?!? I love it and it's been great to reread it now that parenting has become more intense :)